How do we rate our current website?

IMG_20140310_114530037The web and our business:

  • Is our web site relevant in our customer’s quest?
  • Does our web site have a positive impact on sales? Do we have business metrics for our web site or are we relying on generic traffic?
  • Does our web site help our customers appreciate our product’s attributes and quality?
  • Can our customers find the info they are looking for quickly?
  • Can our customers act on the info they find on our site? For instance they may follow up by looking for a nearby store, see if it has the product in inventory, look for an important parameter they had not thought about before.
  • Is the web helping specific strategic initiatives?

Our web site as part of our overall web presence:

  • Which media and touch points do our customers use in their quest related to our product?
  • Which media is more useful or would be more useful in their quest, how does our web site rank among the other web options?
  • Are we investing in what offers a better return or in what’s available by default?

The web as a process:

  • Do we have control over digital assets, like the domain, hosting, FTP?
  • Is all our content regularly backed up and available?
  • Is our content easy to update?
  • Is there a specific process to generate, edit and sign off on content?
  • Who’s in charge of our web projects? Who are the stakeholders?
  • How do we measure the web team’s success?
  • What are the web team’s functions?